Timetables : All Bus Services

Click on a service or timetable name to see today's timetable

Bus service or timetable name
Timetables names Service Number (specific timetables for this service)
School Applecross Senior High School 114 , 115 , 510 , 753 , 783 , 785
School Armadale Senior High School 220 , 243 , 244 , 251 , 252 , 253 , 254
School Assumption Catholic Primary School 584 , 586 , 591 , 592 , 725 , 729 , 734 , 736 , 737 , 744
School Balcatta Senior High School 414 , 415 , 428 , 746
School Balga Senior High School 375
School Carine Senior High School 424 , 425 , 743
School Cecil Andrews Senior High School 243 , 244 , 245
School Christchurch Grammar School 103 , 107 , 702 , 703 , 704 , 707 , 708 , 709 , 998 , 999
School City Beach Primary School 725 , 727 , 738 , 81 , 82 , 83
School Clarkson Community High School 481 , 482 , 483 , 484
School Clontarf Aboriginal School 101 , 30 , 784
School Duncraig Senior High School 441 , 443 , 444 , 783
School Eastern Hills Senior High School 320 , 322 , 328 , 331 , 710 , 711 , 712 , 713 , 714 , 715
School Falcon Primary School 592 , 593 , 731 , 733 , 734 , 737
School Frederick Irwin Anglican School - Halls Head 591 , 592 , 736
School Frederick Irwin Anglican School - Meadow Springs 584 , 586 , 591 , 592 , 725 , 729 , 734 , 736 , 737 , 744
School Girrawheen Senior High School 374 , 386
School Hale School 412 , 719 , 721 , 738 , 84
School Harrisdale Senior High School 233 , 518 , 519
School Iona Primary School 107 , 702 , 704 , 707 , 708 , 709
School Kalamunda Senior High School 279 , 282 , 283 , 307 , 715 , 728 , 733 , 739 , 745
School Kelmscott Senior High School 219 , 240 , 241 , 243 , 244 , 758
School Kensington Secondary School 284 , 33
School Kent Street Senior High School 177 , 178 , 284 , 32 , 72 , 75 , 795 , 798
School Leeming Senior High School 515 , 516
School Lesmurdie Senior High School 279 , 281 , 282 , 283 , 736 , 738 , 741 , 745
School Lynwood Senior High School 508 , 748 , 749
School Melville Senior High School 502 , 768 , 769 , 915
School Mt Lawley Senior High School 20 , 406 , 725
School Ocean Reef Senior High School 460 , 462 , 771 , 773
School Our Lady Of Grace School 423 , 424 , 425 , 743 , 783
School Perth Modern Senior High School 28 , 96
School Pinjarra Primary School 600 , 717 , 718 , 722 , 723 , 726 , 727
School Pinjarra Senior High School 600 , 717 , 718 , 722 , 723 , 726 , 727
School Port School 114 , 115 , 520 , 531 , 532
School Rockingham Senior High School 550 , 552 , 781 , 786
School Safety Bay Senior High School 553 , 557 , 786
School St Hildas Anglican Girls School 107 , 701 , 702 , 704 , 707 , 708 , 709
School St Hildas Anglican Girls School Primary 107 , 707 , 708
School St Joseph's Primary School 201
School St Mark's Anglican Community School 441 , 442 , 460
School St Marys Anglican Girls School 410 , 412 , 423 , 424 , 425 , 725 , 727 , 990
School St Stephens School - Duncraig 444 , 748
School St Stephens School - Tapping 390
School Swan View Senior High School 313 , 314 , 323 , 324 , 325 , 327
School Thornlie Senior High School 212 , 745 , 747
School Upper Swan Primary School 310 , 740 , 760
School Warnbro Community High School 558 , 559 , 560 , 561 , 786
School Warwick Senior High School 447
School Willetton Senior High School 205 , 206 , 207 , 506 , 507 , 516 , 518 , 750 , 751 , 998 , 999
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