February Bus Service Changes
Sun 02 Feb
From Sunday 2 February, the following services will undergo time changes:
19, 20, 100, 101, 204, 205, 206, 207, 249, 271, 277, 278, 307, 340, 347, 356, 390, 391, 406, 460, 461, 462, 463, 464, 465, 466, 467, 468, 470, 471, 473, 474, 479, 480, 481, 482, 483, 484, 486, 487, 488, 491, 492, 494, 495, 496, 498, 508, 517, 518, 519, 564, 565, 566, 567, 568, 569, 980, 998, 999 and Joondalup Red, Blue and Yellow CATs.
The following services will undergo time changes and operate with additional trips:
Route 100
- The weekday trip departing Canning Bridge Station at 8.43am will be extended to terminate at Cannington Station.
Route 101
- Additional weekday trips will depart Canning Bridge Station at 8.28am and 8.48am, terminating at Curtin Central Bus Station.
Route 206
- An additional weekday trip will depart Thornlie Station at 7.18am, arriving at Murdoch Station at 7.57am
- The weekday trip to Cannington Station commencing from Thornlie Station at 9.08am will be extended to commence from Murdoch University at 8.26am.
Route 207
- An additional weekday trip will depart Thornlie Station at 7.13am, arriving at Murdoch Station at 7.52am.
Route 340
- An additional Saturday trip will depart Ellenbrook Station at 10.59pm, arriving at Dalmilling Dr after Outlook Wy at 11.18pm
- Additional Sunday trips will depart Ellenbrook Station at 9.00pm and 9.59pm, arriving at Dalmilling Dr after Outlook Wy at 9.19pm and 10.18pm.
Route 347
- An additional Sunday trip will depart Whiteman Park Station at 9.53pm, arriving at Ellenbrook Station at 10.09pm.
Route 390
- An additional Saturday trip will depart Forever Bvd/Ladybird Rd at 8.11pm, arriving at Joondalup Station at 8.35pm
- An additional Sunday trip will depart Forever Bvd/Ladybird Rd at 7.12pm, arriving at Joondalup Station at 7.35pm.
Route 391
- An additional weekday trip will depart Glasshouse Dr/Burma Lp at 5.07am, arriving at Joondalup Station at 5.33am
- An additional Saturday trip will depart Joondalup Station at 9.06pm, arriving at Glasshouse Dr/Burma Lp at 9.33pm
- An additional Sunday trip will depart Joondalup Station at 8.17pm, arriving at Glasshouse Dr/Burma Lp at 8.41pm.
Route 460
- An additional weekday trip will depart Venturi Dr/Ocean Reef Rd at 7.21am, arriving at Joondalup Station at 7.42am.
Route 461
- An additional weekday trip will depart Joondalup Station at 4.35am, arriving at Whitfords Station at 5.03am
- Additional Sunday trips will depart Joondalup Station at 7.52am and 9.23am.
Route 480
- An additional early weekday service will depart Clarkson Station at 6.23am, arriving at Robinson Av/Hazel Av at 6.42am.
Route 494
- Additional weekday trips will depart Marmion Av/Lagoon Dr at 5.34am, 6.13am, 7.03am and 7.43am, terminating at Yanchep Station
- Additional weekday trips will depart Yanchep Station at 3.49pm, 4.30pm, 5.10pm and 5.50pm, terminating at Marmion Av/Lagoon Dr.
Route 496
- Additional weekday trips will depart Marmion Av/Lagoon Dr at 5.48am, 6.47am and 7.26am, terminating at Yanchep Station
- Additional weekday trips will depart Yanchep Station at 3.49pm, 4.30pm and 5.10pm, terminating at Marmion Av/Lagoon Dr.
Route 498
- An additional weekday trip will depart Gift Wy/Breakwater Dr at 8.25am, arriving at Yanchep Station at 8.50am
- An additional weekday trip will depart Yanchep Station at 8.32pm, arriving at Gift Wy/Breakwater Dr at 8.53pm.
Route 508
- The weekday trip to Bull Creek Station from Riverton Leisureplex at 8.22am will be extended to commence from Cannington Station at 7.59am.
Route 980
- Will undergo time changes with some additional trips on weekdays
- An additional school days only trip will depart from Mt Lawley Senior High School on Stancliffe St (Stop 28487) to Galleria Bus Station at 3.00pm.
Route 998
- An additional weekday trip will depart Murdoch Station at 6.15am, terminating at Fremantle Station at 6.43am.
Route 999
- An additional weekday trip will depart Stirling Station at 5.37am, terminating at the University of WA (Stop 10389) at 6.04am.
The following services will undergo time changes and operate with withdrawn trips:
Route 100
- The 8.28am and 8.48am weekday trips from Canning Bridge Station to Curtin Central Bus Station and Cannington Station will be withdrawn.
Route 340
- The 7.15pm, 7.45pm, 8.15pm and 8.45pm Sunday trips from Ellenbrook Station to Dalmilling Dr after Outlook Wy will be withdrawn.
Route 460
- The 5.06pm and 5.26pm weekday trips from Whitfords Station to Joondalup Station will be withdrawn due to low patronage.
Route 462
- The 5.13pm weekday trip from Joondalup Station to Marmion Av/Gunter Gr will be withdrawn due to low patronage.
Route 464
- The 6.21pm weekday trip from Whitfords Station to Joondalup Station will be withdrawn due to low patronage.
Route 467
- The 5.36pm weekday trip from Whitfords Station to Joondalup Station will be withdrawn due to low patronage.
Route 468
- The 6.22pm weekday trip from Joondalup Station to Whitfords Station will be withdrawn due to low patronage.
Route 480
- The 6.24am and 8.32am weekday trips from Robinson Av/Hazel Av to Clarkson Station will be withdrawn due to low patronage
- The 6.30pm weekday trip fom Clarkson Station to Robinson Av/Hazel Av will be withdrawn due to low patronage.
Route 481
- The 6.32pm weekday trip from Butler Station to Clarkson Station will be withdrawn due to low patronage.
Route 487
- The 6.21pm and 6.41pm weekday trips from Butler Station to Benenden Av/Santorini Prm will be withdrawn due to low patronage.
Route 488
- The 6.36pm weekday trip from Butler Station to Benenden Av/Santorini Prm will be withdrawn due to low patronage.
Route 498
- The 12.01pm weekday trip from Gift Wy/Breakwater Dr to Yanchep Station will be withdrawn due to low patronage
- The 6.19pm weekday trip from Yanchep Station to Gift Wy/Breakwater Dr will be withdrawn due to low patronage.
The following services will undergo time and other changes:
Route 208
- Will undergo a route change to operate via Albany Hwy and Cecil Av in both directions. Liege St, Grose Av and Carousel Rd will no longer be serviced.
Route 249
- The 3.40pm trip from Armadale Station will now depart at 4.02pm to allow more passenger transfers.
Route 271
- Minor time changes to morning services to High Wycombe Station
- Route 271 trips will now depart from Cumberland Rd/ Lincoln Rd at 5.49am, 6.13am and 6.37am.
Routes 277 and 278
- Will undergo time changes to better coordinate services in High Wycombe.
Route 307
- Will undergo time changes and return to regular route along Helena Valley Rd and Ridge Hill Rd, following the completion of Water Corporation works in Helena Valley.
Route 356
- The 4.05pm trip from Ballajura Station to Beechboro will now extend to Bassendean Station.
Route 564
- Route 564 will undergo time changes and extend to a new terminus on Sixty Eight Rd outside Vibe Lifestyle
- Stops on Ridge Bvd and Wattlebird Wy will no longer be serviced by most trips. Passengers can instead use stops on Arpenteur Dr
- Deviations to Ridge Medical Centre will be available on weekdays. The retention of these deviations is subject to continued patronage
- Extended trips to Ridge View College will no longer stop on Smirk Rd. Students can instead catch Route 565
- Morning trips will depart 10 minutes earlier to Ridge View College and 5 minutes earlier to Mother Theresa College.
For assistance or to plan your journey please call the Transperth InfoLine on 13 62 13 (TIS: 13 14 50). Hearing or speech impaired? Call via NRS 133 677 and ask for 13 62 13.