
If you follow the guidelines below, your Approved Assistance Dog may travel with you on our services.


If you have an assistance dog trained by the following organisations you are able to travel on any Transperth service:

Alternatively, if your dog is approved by the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries, you are also able to travel on any Transperth service.

  • Your assistance dog must wear a suitably marked dog coat or harness at all times
  • You must carry a valid photo ID card of your dog issued by the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries or by a prescribed training organisation
  • To apply for your assistance dog ID card please visit the Department of Local Government website 
  • Although your dog travels free, you must pay the appropriate fare.

Vision Impairment Pass

  • Your dog must have a suitably marked dog coat or harness that identifies it.
  • You must carry your Vision Impairment Free Pass.
  • The person with a vision impairment and their guide dog or an accompanying person travel free.

WA residents can contact one of the following organisations to request a vision impairment pass

Interstate Visitors 

If you are an interstate visitor with an assistance dog approved under law by another state or territory, you are able to travel on any Transperth service. 

  • Approval granted through a sanctioned accreditation process in another state or territory is valid within Western Australia
  • Your assistance dog must wear a suitably marked dog coat or harness at all times
  • You must carry a valid photo ID of your dog issued by the approving state or territory
  • Although your dog travels free, you must pay the appropriate fare. 

No other animals are allowed on any of our services or facilities.

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