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Advice for people with a disability about using our services and contacting us.
We offer concession fares including free off-peak travel and recognise the Companion Card. Please note that some concessions are available only via the SmartRider card. For more information, go to our Concessions Guide.
Accessibility is a priority and we are continually striving to improve. To find out more about the PTA Accessibility Policy, refer to Accessible Travel on the PTA website.
Braille timetables
Braille timetables are available on request via the Transperth InfoLine.
Large format timetables
Large format timetables are available on request via the Transperth InfoLine.
Important phone numbers
Special assistance at train stations - 1800 800 022
TTY via the National Relay Service - 133 677
Voice Relay - 1300 555 727
See our contact page for more information.
Go to information about our accessible bus services.
Go to information about our accessible train services.
The two Transperth ferries, as well as the Barrack Street and Mends Street Jetties, are wheelchair accessible.
Go to Mobility Aids.
Go to Animals.
WA residents can contact one of the following organisations to request a vision impairment pass:
Communication Cards help you communicate with Transperth personnel. A communication card has two sections where you can write information.
When you enter a Transperth bus, show the driver your communication card.
You can obtain communication cards by contacting us or from any Transperth InfoCentre.