Asylum Seeker -
ASH Concession SmartRider

Information to obtain a ASH concession SmartRider.

Who is eligible?

To be eligible to apply for an ASH Concession SmartRider you will need to:

  • Reside in Western Australia
  • Not be in full time education
  • Not be in full time employment
  • A person seeking asylum who has applied for or is appealing the outcome of a protection visa

Purchase cost and initial minimum value

Your ASH Concession SmartRider will cost $5.00 for either an initial or replacement card. You will also need to buy a minimum of $5.00 initial value for travel.

How to obtain

Applications are only accepted in person

Apply at the Elizabeth Quay Bus Station InfoCentre on Mounts Bay Rd, Perth. Please bring your completed ASH Concession SmartRider form.

While you are there, we will take your photo and issue your ASH SmartRider card on the spot.

Approved ASH Agencies

You will need to visit one of the below agencies to have your application for ASH Concession SmartRider completed before taking it to Elizabeth Quay Bus Station InfoCentre.

  • Association for Services to Torture and Trauma Survivors (ASeTTS)
    286 Beaufort St, Perth
  • Centre for Asylum Seekers, Refugees and Detainees (CARAD)
    245 Stirling St, Perth
  • Australian Red Cross, Migration Support Programs
    110 Goderich St, Perth
  • Circle Green
    445 Hay St, Perth
  • Riverview Community Services
    1 Thorogood St, Burswood
  • Welcome to Australia
    1 Thorogood St, Burswood
  • MercyCare
    6 Cecil Avenue, Cannington.

ASH SmartRider Registration

Registration of your ASH SmartRider is automatic. For more information on why it is important to have a registered card, go to Register SmartRider.


SmartRider Benefits

Save 20%

Get a 20% discount off fares with SmartRider Autoload.

Learn about Autoload.


Use your SmartRider to pay for parking at stations.

Learn about Parking.

Frequently Asked SmartRider Questions

What if I lose my SmartRider card?
If you’ve registered your SmartRider and it’s lost or stolen we can transfer your remaining balance to your new card. Unfortunately there’s no protection for unregistered cards. Make sure you let us know as soon as you notice it’s gone so we can hotlist it. For more info go to Lost or Stolen Cards.
How do I tag on and off?
At the start and end of each journey, place your SmartRider card over the picture of the card on a card reader on the bus, on the ferry or at the train station. A beep and green light confirms a successful tag on or tag off. When you tag on, the card reader will display your remaining balance. When you tag off, the card reader will display the amount of the fare deducted and your remaining balance. For more information go to Using SmartRider.
How do I check my SmartRider balance?
There are a number of ways to check your balance. Go to Check SmartRider Balance.
Who is eligible for the student fare?
If you’re a primary or secondary school student you can use the Student SmartRider. You’ll get the student fare for any journey Monday – Friday during the school year and concession fares on the weekend and during the Christmas school holidays.
How do I register my SmartRider card?
There are a number of ways you can register your SmartRider. For details go to Register SmartRider.
What is Autoload?
Autoload enables a direct debit to be made automatically from a nominated bank account or credit card to your SmartRider when the balance on your card falls below the low-value threshold of $6 for standard users and $3 for concession users. Register for Autoload through My Account
Can I use my Digital Wallet as proof of concession?
If you have a Health Care Card or Pensioner Card you can provide proof of your concession entitlement by showing the card on your phone through Centrelink's Digital Wallet.
What is a pending action?
A pending action is a change/update that is waiting to be applied to your SmartRider.

Your SmartRider stores information including your concession status, Autoload status and card balance. When we need to update this information, a pending action is created so that the information on the card can be updated.

Pending actions are generally available to your SmartRider the day following their creation, except BPAY which can take several days to become available. For example if you activate Autoload online through My Account today Autoload will be available to be applied to your card tomorrow.

In order to update your card with this new information you are required to tag on. We recommend that you travel within a week of the pending action being created. Alternatively, if you do not need to travel, you can tag on, wait 15 seconds, and then tag off (preferably at any train station).

This will ensure that the update is applied to your SmartRider. If you do not travel/ tag on in the first week, or if it has been over two weeks since you last used the card, it is possible that the pending action will not be applied to your SmartRider on the first try. If this is the case you will need to travel or tag your SmartRider on and off over two to three consecutive days.

Please contact the Transperth InfoLine (13 62 13) if you have trouble applying a pending action.
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