Step 1 – Get your Tertiary SmartRider
Present your Curtin Student ID with the current year sticker to the G-Mart, Building 106G at the Bentley Campus to obtain your Tertiary SmartRider.If you’re studying at Kalgoorlie Campus, you can obtain your TransGoldfields Tertiary SmartRider from the Kalgoorlie Bus Depot, 108 Boulder Rd, Kalgoorlie.
A Tertiary SmartRider costs $10, which includes $5 credit.
If the G-Mart is closed, you can purchase a Standard SmartRider from any Retail Sales Outlet (RSO) or InfoCentre. A Standard SmartRider costs $20, which includes $10 credit, and you will need to follow the below steps to convert it to a Tertiary SmartRider.
If you already have a SmartRider, you can register it as a Tertiary SmartRider using the below process. Note: If the SmartRider has been registered in another person’s name, a new one will be required.
Step 2 – Register your SmartRider
Register your SmartRider on OASIS within five days of receiving your Tertiary SmartRider. Navigate to the ‘Campus Life and Guild’ tab and click SmartRider Concession Registration.
Failure to do so within this time may cause the activation process to fail.
Completing this declaration allows us to monitor your enrolment status. If you drop below full-time status (75 points) your concession travel entitlement will be removed.
Step 3 –Activate your Concession
You’ll need to activate your card by travelling (or tagging on and off at a SmartRider reader) 48 hours after submitting your Transperth Consent Declaration.
Failure to register your card and activating your concession will cause your card to revert to standard fares. If this occurs, repeat Step 2 onwards.
Step 4 – Enjoy the ride (but carry secondary ID)
Your Tertiary SmartRider is the only proof of tertiary concession Transperth accepts. If you leave your Tertiary SmartRider at home, standard fares apply.
You’ll also need to prove the Tertiary SmartRider belongs to you. Always carry a second form of photo ID and have it at the ready when asked. Your driver’s licence or proof of age card are both acceptable forms on ID.
Make sure your SmartRider doesn’t run low while you’re on the go. Read more about add value methods.